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百思买产品 百思买在亚马逊开店

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亚马逊宣布与百思买达成合作伙伴关系。新一代亚马逊Fire TV品牌智能电视将由百思买在零售店、百思买官网上独家销售,最有趣的是,百思买会作为第三方卖家在亚马逊网站销售Fire TV智能电视,这是破天荒的第一次。

从今年夏天开始,百思买将推出超过10款来自东芝和影雅(Insignia,百思买旗下的独家品牌)的4K和高清Fire TV电视。今年晚些时候,这些电视也将在加拿大销售。Fire TV品牌的电视机内置Fire TV软件,以及Echo配对功能和Alexa遥控器。




In a rather unconventional move, Amazon has announced a partnership with Best Buy. The next generation of Amazon Fire TV Edition-branded smart TVs will be exclusively sold by Best Buy at retail stores, on BestBuy.com, and most interestingly, by Best Buy on Amazon.com as a third-party seller for the very first time.

Starting this summer, Best Buy will launch over ten 4K and HD Fire TV Edition units from Toshiba and Insignia. Later in the year, these TVs will make their way to Canada as well. Fire TV Edition-branded TVs come with Fire TV software built-in, as well as Echo pairing capabilities and an Alexa remote.

The logic behind the collaboration makes sense if you think about it. People traditionally prefer to physically view TVs before buying them, and Amazon will be able to take advantage of Best Buy's 1,000 brick-and-mortar stores in the US. On the other hand, Best Buy gains retail exclusivity. Best Buy already sells on eBay, so this isn't completely new territory for it. The partnership is a win for both companies.


